Saturday, December 7, 2013

On The Couch


Tim sat in bed, his wife beside him. While sleep had already pulled her into hazy repose, he remained wide awake, struggling to wrap his head around what had just happened. Early that morning, they had been upset with each other. A bad fight had left the air between them thick with tension. But now…well, now there had been a dramatic reversal. She was fantastic tonight. So sexy. So full of desire. So…hungry. Why doesn't this side of her come out more often? He could scarcely remember ever being as aroused as he was in those moments. 

She had put on quite a performance. A sexual masterpiece. But it wasn't just that his wife had transformed into a sexual minx right before his eyes that surprised him. It was that she had done so with another man. 

Andrea stood in the shower, struggling to hold back tears. She's had a fight with Tim the night before, and she was still reeling. How could he say those things to me? It almost seemed like he was trying to hurt me on purpose. She didn't know how to feel. They had been married for years, so they had certainly had fights before. Bad ones, even. But never like this. She turned the knob that controlled the water temperature. She bit her lip at the sudden rush of hot water, but the subsequent cloud of steam eased her mind. She closed her eyes as the heat relaxed away her tension.

She stepped out of the shower and looked at herself in the mirror. Her brown hair hung in wet tendrils to her shoulders, and her skin, usually a powdery white, was now flushed from the hot shower. She stared into her eyes, wondering what she would find when she opened the bathroom door. She wrapped her towel around her slender body and walked out into the bedroom. 

Tim was awake and lying in bed, staring out the window with his arms crossed over his chest. He glanced at her for just a moment when she opened the door, and then resumed his outward stare. Her eyebrows furrowed and she rolled her eyes, failing to disguise her frustration. She donned her always-conservative wardrobe - a cardigan over a casual blouse, a skirt that hung to her knees, a pair of flats - pulled her hair back into a pony tail, and left the house in a huff.

Her drive to work, as well as the work day that followed, was difficult to endure. She felt much the same way that she had felt that morning in the shower. Conflicted, frustrated. Battling tears. But she did her best to do her duties.


The end of the day came quicker than she wanted it to. She'd finished all of her work for the day, but still sat in her office, trying to look busy. Trying to forget about her troubles at home. Doing anything at all that would give her an excuse to stay in her office. It made her feel comfortable. A home away from home, almost. 

At one point, she had lost herself in a daze, staring vacuously into the clock on the wall. A voice broke the silence.

"Everything alright, Andi?" asked Eric, her boss. 

"Yeah. Yeah everything is fine." She knew her performance was unconvincing. But she didn't care. She was just trying to get him to leave. 

"You sure? You seem like you've got a lot on your mind. And you've already submitted all of your work for today. Anything you want to talk about?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for asking though."

"Okay, if you say so."

She experienced a flood of different emotions within the next split second. I don't want to involve him in my problems. But he is my friend, and he's always been helpful. I don't want to waste his time with my problems though. I don't know. And, just as he turned to walk away, she exclaimed, "Wait. Yeah, there is something on my mind. If you want to talk about it with me."

"Of course, Andi," said Eric. "Anything for a friend." He walked into her office, sat his things on the floor, and sat across from her at the desk.

"Well, Tim and I had a fight last night. A bad one. Definitely the worst one we've ever had."

"I'm sorry to hear that," asked Eric, sincerely concerned. "What was it about?"

"Well, I'd rather not say. But it's not even important. Some of the things he said. They were so hurtful. I couldn't believe he could even say such things to me." She was finding it increasingly difficult to hold back her tears.

"That's terrible. Have you talked since then?" 

"No. I wanted to talk this morning before I came to work, but he basically ignored me. Acted like I wasn't in the room." She couldn't fight the tears anymore. She began to sob hysterically, and the tears flowed freely. 

"This is awful, Andi," said Eric. "Listen, why don't we go to my office instead. I've got a nice couch we can sit on and talk this all out. Should be a bit more comfortable and relaxing. I've even got my stash of scotch if you'd like a drink to calm your nerves."

"Okay. That sounds nice. Thanks for listening, Eric."

"Oh, it's no problem at all. Like I said, anything for a friend."

Andrea was glad in that moment to have a friend like Eric. Someone who was so willing to be there for her. They both gathered their things and headed for Eric's office.


Tim had come to Andrea's workplace, figuring that she was still there. Her car in the parking lot confirmed his suspicions. I've got to make this up to her somehow. I feel just awful about the way I treated her. Unsure about the state he would find her in, but determined to make amends, he walked into the building and took the stairs to the third floor.

He walked into the office and, unsurprisingly, saw no signs of life. He had been to Andrea's office several times, and he strode purposefully toward her door. But as he was approaching, he heard her voice coming from a different direction. Confused, he walked towards the corner of the office space, the source of the sound. As he got closer, he noticed that there was someone else. A deeper voice, joining hers in conversation. Deciding that it was best if his presence, at least for now, went undetected, he tried to position himself strategically amongst the darkened cubicles. He was able to look through the large glass panes on either side of the door and see what was going on in the room. He recognized the man instantly. Eric.

Eric was an old friend of Andrea's, from her time at college. As she had explained it to him, she and Eric were never intimate, but there was always a tension between them. Years after college, when she was looking for a job, Eric offered her a position at the family business that he'd inherited. Tim and Andrea were both extremely grateful. Still, Tim always felt a little strange about him. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. But maybe he was too nice. The door to Eric's office was half open, and he listened intently to the conversation.


"Look Andi, you need to find a way to make this better. If it doesn't seem like he wants to be bothered, you have to make him bothered. The feelings won't just go away on their own."

"I know, Eric. I just don't know how to start."

"Well, just be honest with him. Talk to him. You're both adults, right? Just have an adult conversation."

"I don't know…"

"And if you want, maybe try to do something that will ease him up a bit. Cook a nice meal, give him a gift. Maybe put on a nice outfit. Something to displace some of the threat. Show him that you're not angry. That you just want to make peace."

"Yeah. You're right. I can't just let myself play the victim here. I've got to just do something about it. He's my husband after all. I love him."

"That's exactly right," said Eric with a smile.

"Yeah. Thanks for all your help, Eric."

"No problem at all." They leaned into each other on the couch and shared a friendly embrace. She again felt a surge of emotion as she rubbed his back. She thought of Tim. But she didn't want to let Eric go. Apparently, the tension between them hadn't fully subsided. When they seperated, she cupped his face and kissed him on the lips.

They just stared at each other for a few seconds. "I'm sorry," said Andrea. "I shouldn't have done that."

Eric looked surprised. Afraid, even. Like he knew nothing good could come of this now. 

"Don't worry about it, Andi. Listen, I'm gonna get going. Stay here as long as you like. Just be sure to lock up when you leave."

When he started to stand and leave, she clutched his arm and pulled him back down to the couch. "Please, Eric. Just stay a little while longer. I don't want to be alone right now."

"Andi, I don't think that's a good idea…"

"Please," interrupted Andrea. "I just want you here. Anything for a friend, right?"

Eric looked around for a few seconds, as if he wanted advice. But there was no one around. And so, probably against his better judgment, he replied.

"Ok, I'll stay."


Tim stood in wide-eyed disbelief as he watched his wife come on to Eric. What the hell is she doing? He was stupefied even more when he watched his wife kiss him. He thought that maybe that would have been the time to reveal himself to them and put an end to this madness. But, as confused as he was about Andrea's behavior, he wasn't as upset as he thought he should have been. Instead, he was taken by the desire to keep watching these events unfold.

"Eric," he heard her say, "I'm so glad to have a friend like you." She caressed his face with her feather-light touch.

"I'm just glad I can be here for you," replied Eric, still looking uneasy. 

After a few suspenseful moments, Tim watched them lock lips in another kiss. Unlike the first, this kiss was more passionate. And they didn't separate for quite some time. Their hands began to explore. She rubbed his broad chest, and his hand found the small of her back and pulled her in. 

Tim's growing erection pressed against the front of his pants. What the hell am I so turned on for? I mean…that's my wife! Even now, as much as he tried to convince himself that he should be angry with her, he felt no ill-feelings at all. He simply watched in a state of amazement and curiosity. I guess we'll just see where this goes.

Andrea began to stroke Eric through his pants, inducing a rock hard erection. Tim heard her whispering something, though he couldn't make out the words. She was soon on her knees in front of the couch, undoing Eric's pants. She pulled them down to his ankles and gently rubbed his now exposed dick. At least he's got a smaller penis than me. 

The fact that Eric was smaller, though, allowed Andrea to take in his full length as she began to blow him. Tim felt himself getting slightly jealous. Just look at her. My wife. Deepthroating another man's dick. She gagged and salivated all over Eric's dick with an eagerness that Tim hadn't seen from her in quite some time. Was she just coping with her negativity about Tim? Did she really want Eric all along? At the moment, Tim didn't really care. He was just caught up in watching his wife please another man.

After a few more minutes, Andrea stood up and began to undress.

"I want you," she whispered. "No, I need you. Right here and now."

Eric paused for a moment, as if contemplating what he should do. But Tim knew that this could only end one way. He won't be able to turn her down. Not my wife. She's too hot. He looked intently at Eric's face, studying his expressions. He could almost see Eric's reasons for rejecting her fall apart, one by one. Eric stood up and pulled off his pants. Andrea replaced him on the couch and laid on her back, pulling her knees to her shoulders, leaving her legs pointing into the air. Eric, now fully disrobed, knelt in front of her.

Tim watched as Eric's cock slid easily into Andrea's pussy. God, she must be so wet right now. Eric spent a few seconds getting acclimated, and then started to pump her vigorously. His hips slapped against her ass, and her legs bounced helplessly above his shoulders. Fuck, look at her. Why is this so fucking hot? Tim rubbed his crotch, his boner now throbbing almost painfully. He thought he might explode at any moment. 

Eric moved a hand and started to rub her clit with his thumb. This started to send Andrea over the edge.

"Yes," she muttered. "Just like that. Don't stop." She threw her head back into the couch and grasped at the cushions. Her toes curled as she moaned her way tremulously through a surge of ecstasy. 

Tim could no longer help himself. He undid his pants and started to stroke his own dick. This is too fucking hot. I can't take it. He stood in the shadows, now literally getting off on his wife being fucked by another man. 

Eric pulled out of Andrea and sat on the couch. Andrea knew exactly what to do. She straddled him and sat on his cock, now riding him with smooth aggression. Her small ass jiggled every time she slammed it down. As Tim watched, he was again surprised by his wife's fiery passion. He was stroking his cock furiously, precum flowing freely and hanging from the tip. 

Soon, it was Eric's turn to experience ecstasy. He clutched Andrea's hips tightly. "Andi. Andi, I'm gonna cum. Fuck, here it comes."

She jumped off and knelt in front of him, lowering her head onto his cock. Eric shot his load into her mouth. Unable to swallow it all, Andrea let the excess drip down the sides, but only momentarily. She eagerly lapped up the remaining cum.

The sight of his wife licking Eric's cock clean was enough to bring Tim to a climax of his own. He suppressed a groan as long, thick ropes of cum exploded from his cock, collecting on the floor in front of him. What a mess. Oh well, it will dry by the morning. Rather than stick around and risk discovery, Tim put away his cock and left the building as quietly as he came. 

On his ride home, Tim wracked his brain about how to handle this situation. Should I confront her about it? Should I be angry? He eventually decided, though, that she must never know. I'm not even mad. That was too fucking hot. And who knows. Maybe I'll get a chance to see it happen again. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sexy Strangers

"Sexy Strangers"


I still remember the first time we talked about Isabel's greatest sexual fantasy. We'd only been dating for a few months at that point, still getting to really know each other. We'd just gotten back from a date, and we both had a few drinks in us. She was normally the shy type. Avoided eye contact, slouched a lot, dressed like a conservative librarian. But she was the most beautiful little latina I'd ever seen, and I loved her to death whenever she did manage to come out of her shell a bit. And believe me, she was fun and sexy when she was up to it. But I digress.

Isabel is shy and conservative. So you can imagine my surprise when she told me what her greatest sexual fantasy was.

"I picture me being fucked by two guys. Muscular, handsome, and dominant guys. Guys with big dicks. And I picture them dominating me. Not humiliating me or anything. Just really letting me know who's in control. And here is the kicker: my significant other gets to watch me get fucked by these sexy strangers. That doesn't sound too crazy, does it?"

Honestly, it did seem strange to me at first. I mean here she was, this innocent little girl who had only ever had one sexual partner (me), imagining getting her lights banged out by two sexy strangers. I mean, I had been bugging her to really let me know what he biggest fantasy was. And I was excited when she agreed to tell me. I must say, though, I didn't expect that. In vino veritas, as they say. 

I think it will work out well in the end, though, and for one very good reason: watching her get fucked by two strangers is my biggest fantasy too.


Jon was sitting on the couch watching the game when he noticed Isabel's car pull into the driveway. She stepped out of it, dressed in jeans, a wooly sweater, and with her har pulled back into a ponytail. Her glasses caught the glare of the setting sun. She hurried up the stairs to the stoop and through the door.

When she finally made it inside, she dropped all of her things and fell onto the couch. She let out a long, exasperated sigh.

"Tough day, babe?", asked Jon.

"Yeah. You know how much I hate Thursdays. Personal expression days in my teaching class. I'd rather just sit in the library and make lesson plans."

"I know babe," said Jon. "I figured you'd be exhausted. So, I made us dinner. It should be just about done right now. And I got a bottle of your favorite wine to go with it." 

Isabel beamed. "Thanks so much, babe." He coaxed her off of the couch and walked her over to the dining room table. He pulled out her chair so that she could sit down. I love it when I can make this woman happy.

After dinner, Jon and Isabel were laughing and drinking wine. And, as often happens, the topic of sex and fantasies came up. Jon remembered the convo that they'd had years ago, when they first started dating. My girlfriend is a sexy freak, and I know it. I just need to get her to come out of that shell of hers. His current attempt was focused on teasing her about her biggest fantasy, hoping she would lighten up about it.

"Oh goodness, I should never have told you about that. I'm so embarrassed. I'm never going to live it down, am I?"

"Don't worry about it babe, it's just a fantasy," he laughed. "It really is no big deal. Besides, I've never really told you this, but I actually think it's a pretty hot fantasy." 

She nearly spit out her sip of wine. "Really? You think so?"

I've got her. "Well, I thought it was weird at first, yeah. But every time I think about it, I get a little bit more fond of it."

"Well, that's surprising. Why didn't you say something before?"

"Ah, you know," said Jon. "Just didn't feel right. Why, do you think you might want to pursue it?"

Her furrowed eyebrow and pursed lips told him that she was trying to choose her words carefully. But really, he wanted her to say anything at all that sounded like yes.

"Would you feel weird if I said I did?"

"Of course not. There's no judgment here. If that's your fantasy, and you want to pursue it, then I want you to say so. And who knows, I might even be willing to help you set it all up."

Isabel covered her mouth and cleared her throat. She's really bad at disguising her emotions. I can tell she's happy. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

He knew he had her now. "Of course, babe. That's what you do when you love someone, right?" And when you are trying to fulfill your own fantasy as well, of course

"Aww babe, that's so sweet," she managed as she lunged across the couch at him. She returned back to her seat after smothering him with kisses. "So, where do you think we should start?"

"Well, you want two sexy strangers, right? Well, what better place than Craigslist to find sexy strangers?" I can't believe I just said that. But it doesn't matter. I already have the perfect person in mind

"Really, babe? That sounds kinda shady."

"Don't worry about it babe, just let me take care of the search. I'll be very thorough. And I'll let you know what turns up."

"Okay. Thanks again babe for being so understanding. Wow, I can't believe that we're actually going to do this. It's all happening so fast! Hopefully I don't regret this when I'm sober."

"You won't babe. I could tell that you really want this by how excited you got when I offered to help. Everything will be fine babe. We'll make it work."

"Okay. Yeah, let's do it. And how about some more wine to celebrate!"

Jon poured her another glass. Of course, he had no intention of using Craigslist. He pulled out his cell phone and sent out a text message. 

Jon: I have a proposition for you. When can we meet?

He'd made it somewhat cryptic on purpose. He didn't want to give it all away right now. He wanted a chance to convince this potential partner in person. And now, we wait.


Brian wondered if his eyebrows would ever return from the back of his forehead. Jon had just walked into his office with the most peculiar request ever. He wondered if a prank was being played on him. But he glanced again at his friend's wide eyes and hopeful half-smile, and convinced himself that Jon was serious. Still, he managed to say nothing. What the hell am I supposed to say to something like that? Tension hung heavy in the air between them.

"Come on, Brian," pleaded Jon. "I know you remember that one time in college. We picked up that girl at the bar and brought her back to your place. We both had a great time with her that night too, if I remember correctly. This will be just like that!"

"No it won't," protested Brian. "We did that on a dare while away on spring break. And we knew we'd never see her again. This is your girlfriend we're talking about."

"Yeah, but she has no idea who you are, so you may as well be stranger as far as she is concerned. And I can pretend I met you online or something. Besides, she really wants to do this, and so do I. We just talked about it for about the thousandth time a couple days ago."

"She'll find out about me sooner or later, at least, as long as you're as serious about this girl as you say you are. And besides, where am I supposed to find someone else to do this with me?"

"You let me worry about her, okay. And I'm sure that one of the most well-connected businessmen in the city can find someone else who would be interested in double teaming a smokin' hot, petite latina."

Well, he's got a point there. "I don't know man. I don't know."

"Oh come on, don't be such a pussy. Just do it, all right. For me. This is really important to us, and you're the only person I would trust with something like this. And you know you'll enjoy it."

Brian placed his hands over his face and took a deep breath. God, I can't believe I'm about to do this. "What the hell, Jon. Fine. I'll do it. But only because it's you. If you have any other friends that want their girlfriends to get banged by strangers, leave me out of it."

Jon's excitement was palpable. Brian thought he might jump over the desk to hug him. "Thanks so much, man. You have no idea how much this means to me. How much it will mean to her too."

"Yeah, yeah. Just fill me in on the details when you've got 'em. I'll try to find a suitable partner in the meantime."

"Ok, sounds good. Thanks again, man."

"Don't mention it. Later."

Brian sat for several minutes in disbelief. Jon had showed him pictures of Isabel, and he couldn't deny that she was absolutely gorgeous. A stunning latina with long, jet black hair and a smile that could start wars. Her ass was surpringly full and round, given her trim frame. It was almost disproportional to the rest of her body, but Brian was an ass man, so he couldn't much complain about that. He'd fantasized about her a few times, but he wouldn't have thought in a million years that he'd actually get a chance to lay her. I guess they won't be the only ones fufilling a fantasy whenever this happens. 


Nikki and Isabel has been in the bathroom for quite some time, trying to get her ready for the big night. I'm so excited that she's finally getting brave and going out to the club. She's going to have so much fun! Nikki knew that Isabel had the potential to be one of the hottest girls around. But she was sheepish by nature, so it never showed. Even now, Isabel seemed to be sweating bullets. 

"Come on, girl, it's just the club. Lots of people go there, and they all have a great time. Well, most of them." I'm sure everyone has had their less-than-proud moments at the club as well. "But anyway, you've got a good guy with you. He'll make sure you have a great time! There's nothing to worry about, okay?"

Isabel shot her a look that seemed to shout "you have no idea what this is like for me." Still, Nikki did her best to comfort her friend. She put the finishing touches on her makeup and walked her out into the living room to meet Jon.

Nikki was pleased when she saw Jon's expression; his jaw had nearly fallen all the way to the floor. And for good reason. Isabel was wearing a short, form-fitting black dress that really accentuated her understated curves. Her ass, firm and round, really made her figure pop. Her hair fell to her shoulders in long, loose curls, and Nikki's makeup job made her eyes and smile really stand out. The outfit was completed with a pair of daring, 4-inch black stilettos. Isabel looked like something that belonged on the runway of a New York fashion show. Yes, I am the master of makeup and beauty. 

Jon walked up to isabel and kissed her on the cheek. "You look fantastic babe. Are you ready for tonight?"

"Yeah, I think so. I'm really nervous. I've never done anything like this before," she replied, her eyes fixed on a point near her feet.

Jon put a finger under a chin and lifted her head so that her eyes met his. "Don't worry babe. Everything will be fine, okay?" He shifted his gaze to Isabel's friend. "Thanks a lot for your help Nikki. She looks fantastic."

"Don't mention it, Jon. Anything for a friend."

Even after Jon and Isabel had gone for the night, Nikki struggled to remove the huge grin from her face. They are so cute together. Hopefully Jon will be okay with all of the attention she'll get tonight from the other guys at the club. She had no idea, though, what was really in store for Isabel tonight.


Isabel had been more than a little unsettled when she walked to the bar. Every man whose gaze she happened to catch had stared at her for at least a few seconds and smiled. Why do all these people keep looking at me? Do I have something on my face? Then it dawned on her that she probably had Nikki to thank for all these strangers' wanting eyes. Well, she is very good at what she does. And she sure worked her magic with me.

She and Jon sat at the bar and ordered their first round. She stirred her her gin and tonic and watched the ice swirl around the glass for a while before ever taking her first sip. What the hell was I thinking? What am I doing here?

Jon, probably sensing her unease, spoke up. "Babe, I know you're probably nervous. But there's nothing to worry about. I vetted the guy I found and he seems legit. His friend too. And I know you haven't seen them yet, but I promise, you won't be disappointed. And don't forget that I'll be here with you the whole time."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I need to get out of my own head. I'm driving myself crazy over here."

"Well, getting started on the drink might help a bit."

Isabel sucked the entire drink through her straw in little more than a few seconds. When she slammed the glass back down onto the table and looked at Jon, they both shared a hearty laugh. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

They'd had a couple more drinks by the time Jon received the phone call.

"Hello…yeah, this is Jon…oh hey, Brian…you're both here?…awesome…yeah, I'll meet you at the door and bring you to the table." He turned to Isabel. "They're here babe. It's not too late to say no. If you want me to, I can just tell them to get lost."

Isabel mulled it over a bit, but she knew that she wasn't about to turn back now. I came all this way. I'm seeing this through. "No, that's fine babe. Bring them in." Jon smiled and left for the door.

She could hardly believe her eyes when she saw Jon walking towards the table with the two men flanking him. One was a tall, bald black man, wearing what looked like a very well-tailored suit. His shirt has a few buttons undone, which exposed the slightest hint of his powerful chest. The other was an Asian guy with black hair that hung in lazy curls around her ears. He looked more casual, wearing a nice pair of jeans and an understated button-down shirt. Both of them looked like they'd just walked off the pages of the latest GQ. The black guy walked up to her first.

"You must be Isabel. Jon has told me so much about you. My name is Brian. This gentleman here is my good friend Marc." Brian extended his hand.

Isabel's entire hand seemed to fit inside his palm. "Nice to meet you both. I hope Jon hasn't told you too much about me," she managed through nervous laughter.

Brian replied, "Well, he's certainly told us enough. Come on, let's have some drinks and chat a little."

Isabel had already had three gin and tonics, and she wasn't sure that she should have a fourth. She was really feeling it. Ah, what the hell. She agreed and sat back down at the table.

As it turns out, Jon had been right. Brian and Marc were an absolute pleasure to be around. They were funny, witty, and smart. And they made her feel so comfortable that she'd nearly forgotten why they were really there. Geez, if all goes well, I'm going to be fucking these guys by the end of the night. At that moment, she felt a chill wrack her body that dissipated into a tingly warmth between her legs. She didn't know if it was that passing thought or her fourth gin and tonic that had caused the tremor. All she did know was that she was getting more and more attracted to these men by the minute. She bit her lip unconsciously and took another pull at her drink.

About 30 minutes passed before Marc suggested that everyone hit the dance floor.

"I don't know," said Isabel, flustered.

"Oh come on, Isabel, it'll be fun and you know it," pleaded Brian. His deep voice was oddly reassuring

Jon added his assent next. "Yeah babe, just get out there and have a good time. This is a club, after all."

Again, Isabel mulled it over. But again, she knew that she could do nothing else. This really is going to be a night to remember. 

She drained her drink and allowed Brian to take her hand and guide her to the dance floor. A panic struck her, though, when she was finally standing underneath the disco ball, the music blaring. I have no idea how to dance. Determined not to look out of place, she shuffled from side to side and snapped her fingers. The two sexy strangers looked at her in humored disbelief. Marc looked to Brian, as if to say "I've got it covered," and approached Isabel. He stood behind her and placed his hands on her hips.

"Here. Like this." Marc guided her hips in a slow, swaying motion, being sure to obey the beat of the music. Before long, the alcohol was really kicking in, and the dancing felt more natural. She put her own hands on Marc's and let the music take over. She closed her eyes and pushed her ass back into Marc's crotch, feeling his erection against the back of her thigh. Is that a flashlight in his pants, or is he actually excited to be dancing with me right now? 

Brian soon entered the fray, approaching Isabel from the front and placing his hands up over his shoulders. She was dancing face to face with Brian, all while Marc was gyrating behind her. Are they just being cool because Jon recruited them? Or do they actually want me? Whatever the case, I could definitely get used to this. Suddenly, the wanting eyes of all those guys at the bar didn't matter. All she cared about was being surrounded by the two sexy strangers. Men who wanted her badly. She reveled in her newfound power. 

Brian made an attempt to escalate things by pecking her on the lips. The small kiss brought her crashing back down to Earth, and suddenly she remembered Jon. Where is he? Did he see Brian kiss me just now? She scanned the room for him, and found him sipping a beer at the bar, nodding at her and smiling, again lending his assent to her activities. 

Marc pulled back her hair and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, Isabel. We've already talked to Jon about all of this. Everything is okay. Just enjoy the night."

Marc's smooth voice was difficult to resist. She fell willingly back into her sexual haze, and resumed dancing. Brian again pressed his lips to hers. But this time, she kissed back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, exploring his lips and tongue with her own. Marc buried his face in her hair and breathed her in. Then, his hands slid from her hips up to her small, perky breasts and squeezed them firmly. Her hardened nipples made their presence known. Maybe I should have worn a bra. 

Brian reached behind her and grabbed a handful of her ass, kneading it with his powerful hands. She felt both of their rock solid dicks pushing against her, Marc's from the back and Brian's from the front. She reached down and grabbed Brian's. Jesus, this thing is huge. It's so long. And thick too. But she wasn't intimidated. She was hungry. She stroked his dick through his pants and pressed her ass hard into Marc. She was surrounded on all sides by sex and desire. And she loved every second of it.

They continued dancing for about 30 more minutes before Brian suggested that they leave the club and continue with the rest of the night. 

Isabel was all too ready to get back to the house. "Okay, yeah, let's go. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and freshen up really quick."

"Okay," replied Brian. "We'll go get Jon and meet you at the door."

Isabel walked into the bathroom and examined herself in the mirror. Her face and neck were flushed, and her eyes were only half-open, giving her a "just sexed" look. If only. But no, the real sex comes later. Her lipstick had worn off from Brian's kisses. Her body was shaking very subtly. Curious, she hiked up her dress and slipped a hand into her underwear. She dipped a finger into her pussy. Good lord, I'm soaking wet. She pulled her hand out and looked at her fingers, a few thin strings of her juices hanging between them. She sucked them clean. Mmm, that's actually really good. The fact that she had gotten so turned on by Brain and Marc on the dance floor aroused her even more. I need to get home. Now.


Jon entered the bedroom and sat in the recliner that was in the corner opposite the door. Well, what a wild night this has been. And it's only going to get wilder. I can't believe how turned on I got watching Isabel with Brian and Marc. Isabel entered the room next. She sauntered over to Jon, straddled him in the recliner, and gave him a long, sexy, passionate kiss. 

"Thanks again baby for doing this for me. It really does mean a lot. Are you sure you're going to be okay just watching? You can join in if you want"

Jon considered the invitiation for a moment. "No, babe, it's okay. I don't want to be selfish. Tonight is all about you." And it's going to be fucking hot. "Just stand there at the foot of the bed. Brian and Marc should be in soon."

"Okay babe." She did as she was told, and waited eagerly for the sexy strangers to come in.

She didn't have to wait long. Brian walked into the room, and Marc was close in tow. Brian looked at Jon one last time. Jon nodded at him over his steepled hands, adding his assent one final time. This is going to be amazing. Brian approached Isabel and began to kiss her neck. It was beginning. There was no turning back now.


As Brian is kissing her neck, Isabel is overcome with tremendous feelings of desire and nervousness. I can't believe this is happening. These guys are both about to have their way with me, and Jon is going to be there watching the whole time. Her body shook at the thought. She felt Marc exploring her thighs, slipping his fingers between her dress and her skin. He slowly slid it up over her body, and she instinctively put her arms up so that he could get it off. Wearing nothing but her tiny black thong, she felt suddenly exposed. But she resisted the urge to cover her breasts with her hands, and instead used those hands to pull Brian's face to her own and kiss him. This is it. Now, it's time to let go.

She rubbed Brian's dick again through his pants as they kissed. This thing is huge. I want to taste it so bad. Probably sensing her urgency, Brian placed a hand on her shoulder and motioned for her to sit down. Marc got off the bed and stood at Brian's side.

"You know what to do," urged Brian. 

Yes, yes I do. I just can't believe I'm actually about to do it. She spent a few seconds undoing their pants and exposing their dicks. Brian's was as big as it felt. Easily eight inches, as thick as her wrist, and ramrod straight. Marc's was nearly as big, and had a slight downward curve to it. She was pleased by the contrast between Brian's dark skin and Marc's light.

She turned to Brian first, cupping his balls with one hand and stroking his shaft with the other. She took the head of his cock into her mouth and sucked on it softly at first, still amazed by it's size. She tried to take more of his length into her mouth, but gagged before she had even reached the halfway point. I've never been good at deepthroating. Maybe I should practice. She contented herself with bobbing back and forth along the length that she could handle. 

Not wanting Marc to feel left out, she started to stroke his dick with one hand while she sucked Brian. Then, she switched to sucking Marc's cock and stroking Brian's. Marc's wasn't as thick, so she could take more of it in. Still, it was pretty big. Definitely bigger than Jon's. My jaw is going to be sore after tonight. She alternated between them for a few more minutes.

"Lay back on the bed," ordered Brian. She complied, releasing their dicks and sliding back onto the bed. While she was on her back, Brian hooked her thong with his fingers and pulled it down off her body, exposing her pretty, neatly trimmed pussy. "God, Isabel, you're dripping wet already. Just the way I like it." Yeah, and I have been for hours now. I hope he likes my pussy.

Brian left little doubt in her head about just how much he liked her pussy. He began first by kissing the insides of her thighs. Just getting her ready for the real treat. He then started licking her whole pussy up and down, nice and slow. "You taste so fucking good," he said between licks. Then, he buried his face in her pussy, licking and sucking aggressively, as if he were trying to make out with it. Oh my god, this feels so fucking good. Yes. Yes! She threw her head back and closed her eyes, really trying to take in all of the pleasure that she was feeling.

Her pleasureable concentration was broken when she felt Marc climb onto the bed near her head. But she didn't much mind. She knew exactly what he wanted, and she was more than happy to give it to him. She opened her mouth and received his cock once again, eagerly sucking and stroking it while Brian licked her pussy. This is almost too good to believe. Is this a dream? Just then, she felt rhythmic surges of ecstasy crashing through her body, making her convulse and spasm uncontrollably. Nope, definitely not a dream. 

While she was focused on sucking Marc's cock, she felt Brian shift his weight and kneel in front of her. He teased her pussy with his cock, sliding it up and down between her lips. This is it. I hope I can handle this. Then, he pushed his cock into her slowly, inch by inch. Fuck, that's a big dick. He pumped her slowly at first, allowing her to feel every bit of his length. Then, he grabbed her by the waist and fucked her hard and fast. Her small tits bounced around wildly as he took her. She could handle his size, but only just barely. Much more of this and he might actually split me in two.

After a few minutes, Brian pulled out of her and stood at the foot of the bed. "Get on all fours and suck me," he commanded. Isabel remembered how much she'd enjoyed tasting herself earlier at the club. And now, I get to lick my pussy off of his dick. She crawled up to his dick and eagerly cleaned it for him, rubbing her lips and tongue all along his shaft. Fuck, I do taste good. I kinda wish i could go down on myself right now. 

She felt Marc push two fingers into her pussy and tease her G-spot. She didn't expect what he did next, though. She felt his tongue against her asshole, licking and trying to poke its way in. It was a strange feeling. Nobody has ever licked my ass before. But I think I like it. She focused on relaxing her muscles a bit, which allowed him to actually fuck her ass with his tongue. She enjoyed the feeling of his tongue squirming around in her ass, and it didn't take long for her legs to start trembling. Okay yes, now I'm sure I like it. Fuck, that feels good. 

Marc pushed his cock into Isabel and immediately started to fuck her wildly. The slapping from his hips slamming into her curvaceous ass echoed throughout the room. Yes. Yes, give it to me. He grabbed her hips and fucked her as hard as she could. It actually hurt her quite a bit. Ahh, but it feels so fucking good. Give me that pleasure mixed with pain. It's what I need

She'd nearly forgotten about the reason she was able to enjoy this moment in the first place. She glanced over at Jon, just to see how was reacting to it all. To her surprise, he had already pulled his dick out and was stroking it with vigor. The way he bit his lip as he looked over the scene told her all she needed to know about his state of mind. He's going crazy over there. And in a good way. Is that what it feels like to be desired? To have three men lusting after you at once? She considered it for a moment. Yes, I guess it must be. These three men are aroused, coming to climax, because of me. It feels so good to be desired. 

Brian pulled his cock out of her mouth and laid on the bed. Marc gave isabel one more hard thrust and pulled his dick out as well. 

"Now, it's your time to shine," said Brian. "Hop up here on this dick and go crazy."

The sight of his eight inches, hard as iron and towering into the air above the bed, intimidated her. But she saw the length more as a challenge than as a threat. Cowgirl was one thing she knew she was good at. At least, Jon always loved it. He can never take it for more than a few minutes without cumming. I guess all of those belly-dancing and salsa lessons I had when I was young really paid off. She mounted Brian and slowly lowered herself down onto his dick until it was buried to the hilt inside her pussy. All right. Time to give him all that he can handle.

She was almost startled by how full she felt, but she pressed on. She moved up and down slowly for a few strokes, adjusting to the length and girth of Brian's cock. Fuck, this thing is huge. But before long, she was bouncing up and down on it wildly. Her ass slapped hard against his hips. 

Brian's eyes widened. He seemed surprised that Isabel was so adept at riding. He grabbed her hips and held on for dear life. "Fuck yeah. Ride this dick, Isabel."

She planted her hands on his chest and bucked her hips as wildly as she could manage, channeling her inner salsa dancer. His dick slid easily in and out of her as her ass rocked and her hips rolled. I'm gonna make you cum, Brian. Cum for me, sexy stranger. And it didn't take long for his body to give way. He threw his head back and moaned loudly. His body convulsed and she felt him fire a hot load deep inside her. With every convulsion of his body, more and more of his seed filled her. She rolled her hips around on his dick slowly as his cum oozed out of her. That's right, Brian. I took you there. I made you cum. 

Marc stood on the bed near Isabel, and her sexual instincts took over. I'm still hungry. Give me that cock, Marc. I'm gonna make you cum too. She grabbed his dick and plunged it into her mouth. She tried and failed to deepthroat it, only managing to gag on it. But she didn't care. She sucked his dick enthusiastically, almost enjoying the gagging.

"Oh my god, yes. I'm gonna cum," muttered Marc. She went down as far as she could on his cock and let him shoot into her mouth and down her throat. His load was huge, and the excess dripped out of her mouth and onto her chest. She felt like a sex goddess, sultry and powerful. After she was finished swallowing his load, she rolled off of Brian's dick onto the bed next to him. With her eyes closed and her body drained, all she could do was show a weak smile. Fucked by two sexy strangers and filled to the brim with their cum. This has been one of the best nights ever. Does it have to end?


As Jon stood in the shower, he could barely believe what he'd just witnessed. Fuck, that was so fucking hot. Isabel is so fucking sexy. He started to lose control when she was sucking Brian and Marc at once. And the look on her face when Marc was fucking her from behind - that look of pained satisfaction - he couldn't hold it in anymore. It was at that moment that he'd taken out his dick and started to pleasure himself. And I lost it all at the same time Brian did. It was so sexy. She was fucking him like a woman possessed. He finished cleaning himself, dried off, and walked out into the bedroom.

Isabel has just returned from letting Brian and Marc out. He was just slipping his underwear back on when she interrupted him.

"You may as well stay naked, baby," she said, a devilish grin creeping across her face. Jon looked surprised for a moment. "What, did you think I was done just because they were? You allowed me to have that amazing experience. To discover what it was like to be sexy and desireable. And I'm going to show you just how grateful I am. Now lay down on that bed. I'm still hungry, baby."

Jon smiled and admitted defeat. As he lay down on the bed, only one thought was on his mind: well, what a wild night this has been. And it's only going to get wilder.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Room Service

Room Service

The life of a corporate executive is not as glamorous as today's consumerist society
would have you believe, a fact that Lily knows all too well. Sure, it was hard to argue
with a six-figure income, but the stresses of the job almost didn't seem worth it at
times. And on top of that, it isn't often enough that all her hard work garners even a
nod of approval back at the office. But not this weekend. I'm gonna pamper myself big
time. I deserve it. And it all starts tonight with the weekend stay I booked at that spa
my friend told me about. Hopefully it's as good as she says it is. And then, the
weekend finally came. Freedom. Lily ran out the door and bolted down the steps
before anyone could stop her. Nobody is gonna hold me up. Not today.

By the time she finally arrived at the resort, her general lack of sleep was starting to
catch up to her. She was eager to check in, find her room, and take a quick nap. Okay,
maybe a long nap. She checked in, received her key from the receptionist, and got
onto the elevator.

At long last, she was in her room. She threw her bag onto the floor beside her, and
then made a running jump onto her bed. King-sized pillow-top was a good choice.
And almost immediately, drowsiness started taking over. But just before she could
doze off, she heard a knock at the door. A visitor? No one is even supposed to know
where I am this weekend. If my friend is trying to set me up with some guy again, I
think I might literally kill her. Thoroughly irritated, she got up, walked to the door,
and opened it.

"Hello Miss. My name is Grant. I'm with the resort's Concierge Services, and my job
is to make sure that your stay here at the resort is completely satisfactory. Thank you
for choosing us, and if you need anything at all, I'm just a phone call away."

"Thank you, Grant. I'm sure I'll be in touch at some point. But for now, I'd just like to
get a little rest."

"Of course, Miss." And as abruptly as he'd appeared in the first place, he was off
again, striding purposefully down the hallway. He moved with an agility and grace
that she did not expect. Hmm. Tall, dark, and handsome. And good looking, too. But
no time for that now. Back to my nap. I need to rest. And for about an hour thereafter,
that's exactly what she did.

She awoke at around 7 in the evening, feeling completely refreshed and ready to
actually enjoy her trip. She slipped out of her clothes, put on a fluffy, white robe, and
headed downstairs to the beauty salon, where she received an exquisite mani/pedi
package. After that, it was off to take a long, steamy bath in the jacuzzi. And to finish
it all off, she made her way to the resident masseur for an hour-long, full-body
massage. As relaxing as everything was, though, she felt somewhat strange during the
whole experience. She was accustomed to always being in charge and always having
to delegate tasks and answer questions, to make presentations and balance budgets, to
do this and do that. It was strange to have someone else in control for once, even if it
was over something as simple as this. I need to get over myself. I can't be in control
all the time. I can't ruin this weekend for myself. Sometimes, you just have to let things
happen. For the remainder of her massage, the strange feeling in her subsided, and
Lily thought that she had never felt so relaxed in her life.

As she was making her way back to her room, she realized that she hadn't eaten since
lunch time at work. I am starving. I'll give the concierge guy a call. For as much as
I’m paying to stay here, there had better be some decent room service. She found the
listing for "Grant" in the directory on the wall above the phone and dialed his

"This is Grant with Concierge Services, how can I help you?"

"Yeah Grant, it’s Lily in 403. I am dying of hunger up here, and I was wondering if I
could order something good to eat."

"Ahh yes, you certainly can. We have a full kitchen down here staffed with wellqualified
chefs and stocked with only the finest ingredients. You name it, and they can
make it. Do you have a taste for anything in particular?"

"Yeah, how about a great big caesar salad with some grilled chicken in it. That sounds
perfect right now."

"Not a problem. Anything else?"

"Yeah, I'd also like a couple bottles of wine. How about your favorite white? That
ought to do it."

"Alright Miss, chicken caesar salad and a couple bottles of my favorite white. I'll
bring that up to you when it's ready."

"Sounds great. Thanks."

It's going to be wonderful to finally get some food in my belly. While she waited, she
laid back on her bed and turned on the TV. She channel surfed until she landed on an
episode of Teen Mom. I can't even explain why I like this show so much. It's so
trashy. Oh well.

About 30 minutes later, she heard a familiar knock at the door. She greeted Grant
eagerly, grabbing her food and wine in a hurry. She was eager to eat her meal, drink
some wine, and actually get a good, long sleep for once.

"Thanks, Grant. You have a good night."

"You as well, Miss. Enjoy your meal."

And again, he was off. She devoured her salad, drank half a bottle of wine, and kicked
back on the bed again. But without the aid of complete exhaustion, she found it oddly
difficult to find rest. She realized that the same strange feeling from earlier was
creeping up again. Why can't I sleep? Am I really that much of a control freak? This
has got to stop. She tried and tried to fall asleep, but all she accomplished was
successfully counting the tiles in the ceiling 50 times over. By the time she realized
that there was no hope for her, it was already 2 am. Maybe I just need to talk to
someone about it. Get my feelings out in the open. Maybe I'll feel better about it then.
I wonder if Grant is still awake. He said I could call him if I needed anything, right?
Well, I need sleep...I hope he's still awake. She figured that he wouldn't be at this
hour, but she had nothing to lose by trying. So, she dialed his number again, and
waited hopefully for a reply.

"This is Grant with Concierge Services, how can I help you?"

"Yeah Grant, it's me again, Lily. Sorry I'm calling so late."

"It's no problem at all. What can I do for you?"

"Well, as you might imagine, I'm having trouble sleeping. Would you...this probably
sounds weird...but would you mind coming to my room and just talking to me for a
while? Maybe help me drink this other bottle of wine? I've just got a lot on my mind,
and I think once I talk it out, I'll actually be able to get some sleep."

"Absolutely. I'm taking care of some other business right now, but I can be up there
soon, probably 15 minutes or so from now. Does that work for you?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Excellent. I'll see you soon, Miss."

"Thanks. And please, just call me Lily."

"Certainly. I’ll see you soon, Lily.”

The next 15 minutes seemed to drag on for an eternity. But, at long last, she heard the
knock at the door. Trying not to seem too excited and eager, she padded slowly
toward the door and opened it. Grant had changed out of his usual hotel uniform, and
was now wearing a nice pair of dark jeans and a lavender, button-down shirt. It
seemed to bring a new level of definition to his graceful figure. She welcomed him
into the room, sat him down at the table, and began to pour a couple glasses of wine.

Grant wasted no time. "So, Lily, what seems to be troubling you?" His voice seemed
more sincere now, as if he was actually concerned about her. She found herself
reassured by the deepness of his voice.

"I actually don't quite know. I've just been all out of sorts since I arrived here. I think
it has something to do with stress from my job."

"I see. Well, it seems to me that stress should be the last thing on your mind in a place
like this."

"I know, and that's the strange thing about it. I don't think it's the stress. Not exactly,
anyway. Well...okay, I'm a corporate executive at a big company downtown. And
without boring you with all the gory details, I am in charge of quite a lot there. I think
the thing that bugs me about this place is that I haven't been in control since I got here.
It's been a strange feeling. It probably makes me sound like a control freak, and
maybe I am. I don't know why it's bothering me, but it is, and I don't know how to fix

"Well, maybe you should just try to relax and let the people here do their jobs. They
are very good at what they do."

"I have tried that, and it worked for a little while. But here I am, caught up in this
stupid feeling, unable to sleep."

A knowing smirk showed on Grant's face, and he looked deep into her eyes. "It seems
to me that even the simple fact that you can't control this feeling is causing you to feel
out of control. But maybe that's not such a bad thing. Maybe that's exactly what you let go. To be controlled, for once. To just...let things happen."

Somehow, what he was saying was making perfect sense. That's crazy. But it sounds
like it might be just what I need. Maybe I do need to just give in and let things
happen. Just then, an idea came into her mind, and she showed a playful smirk of her
own. When she looked at Grant, she noticed that he was shamelessly admiring her,
exploring her body with his eyes. In any other situation, she might have accosted him
and told him to back off...but now, she just let him look her over. Let his gaze wash
over her. She suddenly felt much more exposed than she had before, realizing now
that all she was wearing were her underwear and a bath robe. But still, she watched
his eyes wander. The way that he looked at her...the way he made her feel by simply
being there next to her...the way her heart fluttered and her breath shortened...she
knew what she wanted to do...what she needed to do.

"Grant, I have a somewhat strange request to make of you."

The look in his eyes told her that he knew exactly where this was going. "Of course,
Lily. Just say the words."

"I think you’re absolutely right. I need to just let go. To be let things
happen. Grant...and here it comes…I want you to have your way with me. I see you
looking at me, I see the desire in your eyes. Now is your chance to express those
feelings. Take advantage of me. Show me how much you really want me. But please,
don’t be nice. Don’t be gentle. Now is not the time for making love. I want you to
fuck me. Savage me. Do whatever you want with me. You said I should take a try at
being controlled...I'm just taking your advice. And I think that this is the only way I
can escape this feeling...being completely dominated."

Grant raised an eyebrow and chuckled. Then his face straightened and he said, "I
think I can make that happen for you."

"I don't want you to think, I want you to do." She drained her glass of wine and stood
up. "Now come over here and do as I asked. And be sure to make it hurt."

"As you wish." Grant got up from his chair and moved toward her with the same
purposeful stride she had seen him use earlier. She had been surprised by the urgency
and sincerity in her own voice. It was as if she had undergone an instantaneous
attitude adjustment. Something inside of her…whatever it was that had been
suppressing her devilish desires…had vanished. She bit her lip in anticipation, and
closed her eyes. I hope you know what you're doing, Lily.

He started by tearing off her robe, revealing her bountiful curves. Next, he reached
behind her and undid her bra. Her breasts fell out of it and came to a state of bouncy
rest, her nipples erect in the chilled air of the room. She could already feel her body
beginning to shake. Yes. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her down onto
the bed. He then proceeded to remove his own shirt and pants. His physique was
exactly as she thought it might be. He had broad shoulders, a well-formed chest, and a
thickly muscled back that she just wanted to bite. In a moment, he was on top of her in
the bed, pushing his mouth onto hers. Their lips locked in a deep, violent embrace.
Their tongues wrestled furiously in their mouths. He grabbed the back of her neck,
pulling her in even harder. He bit her lip and pulled at it with his teeth. It hurt a little,
but somehow, it felt just right. By the time they were done kissing, her entire mouth
was tingling from the roughness of his kiss. This is going to be one wild night.

He brought a hand up to her breast and squeezed it firmly, all the while kissing and
biting at her neck. He grabbed her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, gave it a
good pinch, and then tweaked it hard. She let out a pained whimper. Now that one
hurt. It's been so long since I've even been with someone at all, and never like
this. That's what she thought, but all she could manage to say was, "Yes, that's it." He
nibbled his way down her chest and took one of her nipples into his mouth. He sucked
on it hard enough to leave a faint red ring around it when he let it fall from his mouth.
Then he nibbled it firmly with his front teeth. The pain made her shake even more.
She bit her bottom lip and grasped at the sheets on the bed in an effort to control her
body. But her body was no longer her own. I want more...give me more.

Within a few minutes, he was tearing at her underwear. He pulled them down, over
her quivering thighs and slender legs, and tossed them across the room. He rubbed his
first two fingers along her slit, taking a moment to tease the opening. She could tell by
the ease with which his fingers slid that she was dripping wet right now. He applied
rhythmic pressure to her clit with his thumb, and her hips began to move to the same
beat. Yes. He is in complete control. Yes. He eased two fingers into her, and she felt
her pussy grab them tightly. He moved them in and out for a while, and then fucked
her harder and faster with his fingers. The base of his fingers was slamming hard
against her, and his fingers curled inside her to tease her G-spot. Within minutes, she
felt a climax coming on. Her hips seemed to move unavoidably toward him, her back
arching involuntarily. Even her heartbeat wasn't her own. Her whole body moved only
in answer to his. The force of the ensuing orgasm made her scream as she grabbed for
the headboard and held onto it with an iron grip.

Grant took off his underwear and stood up on the bed, towering above Lily. 

"On your knees. Now." His demeanor had changed drastically since their talk at the
table. He was more assertive. More dominant. More desirable, if that was possible. So
she obeyed. I've never felt this way with anyone before. I am completely at his
mercy...but it's so arousing. So...liberating. She gazed hungrily at his penis, watching
it throb for her. Now that's a big one. She took it into her mouth and teased the head a
little with her tongue. She grabbed it by the base with one hand and began fondling
his balls with her other hand. She moved her head back and forth on his manhood,
letting loose drops of saliva and precum fall onto her chest and thighs. Just then, he
grabbed a handful of her hair and moved her head to suit his own tastes. He plunged
his dick vigorously in and out of her mouth, sometimes going a little too deep for Lily
to handle. She would gag, but he would always stop just long enough to let her catch
her breath. He wants to make it hurt, but he doesn't want to actually hurt me. She was
grateful for that. And somehow, just knowing that he could hurt her at any moment if
he wanted to, but chose not made her want him even more.

When he was satisfied, he let go of her hair, grabbed her by the shoulders, and threw
her back onto the bed again. He settled down between her thighs, teased her dripping
wetness for a little while with his dick, and then pushed it inside her. They both let out
very audible moans. Fuck, that's big. There was an urgency in his thrusts that
seemed uncharacteristic of him. He had been very calm and collected only moments
ago. But now, he struck her as a man who always remains in control of his sexual
desires, but just barely. I’m just glad that he is releasing those feelings here, with me.
God, I needed this. She tried to reach up and grab him, and he stopped all together, as
if he was offended. He threw her arms back down onto the bed and put his hands on
her shoulders, letting the entire weight of his upper body rest there. Only then did he
resume fucking her. The pressure of his weight pinning her to the bed made her feel
helpless. Completely out of control of the situation. But she just let it happen. She let
him restrain her and drive her into the mattress. And when he leaned down to bite at
her neck, she let him do that too. This must be what my employees feel like when I give
them orders. She quickly found herself in the throes of a second orgasm, which left her
convulsing on the mattress beneath him. Okay, maybe not quite like this.

He pulled his dick out of her, her pussy engorged and dripping wet, already throbbing
from his assault. He gave his next command.

"Turn around, get on your knees, and bend over." She obeyed, getting on all fours and
presenting her well-rounded ass to him in all its glory. "Now, put your hands on the
head board, and don't let go. No matter what. Understand?"

"Yes." She braced herself for what she knew would be a relentless fucking. He pushed
his dick inside her and held still for a moment, as if trying to regain his cool
demeanor. He failed to do accomplish his goal, however, and was soon pounding her
into submission. The sound of his hips striking her ass echoed around the empty hotel
room. Now this is how a man is supposed to fuck a woman. He grabbed her by the
hips and thrust himself in and out of her furiously. As quickly as he would plunge
fully into her, he would retreat. And as quickly as he retreated, he plunged in again.
His penis was long and hard and it often hit rock bottom. She thought he might
actually be hitting her stomach at times. He was going deeper than any man had
before him. And it hurt. It hurt a lot, actually. But she wanted more. This encounter
wasn’t about physical pleasure, though there was certainly plenty of that. This was
about mental release. She lounged in the feeling of being completely helpless in his
hands. Her moans were agony mixed with ecstasy. The shuddering of her body was
half a reaction to the pain, and half a reaction to the pleasure. Her third orgasm was as
rigorous as it was pleasant. Her body quivered uncontrollably and she held onto the
head board for dear life, almost afraid of what he might do if she did let go. Her
orgasm was beginning to subside when she felt the thrusting stop all together. He let
out a loud scream of his own, and she saw a hefty drop of semen splatter against the
wall beside her head. She felt the other drops, warm and heavy, land on her back and
butt. She collapsed onto the bed, and he followed suit. They were both utterly spent.
Within minutes, she had fallen into a deep sleep.

When she woke up, she noticed that the sun had come up. Grant was gone, his dried
semen the only sign that he was ever even there. Still groggy, she got up and stiffly
walked to the bathroom. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she realized that he
had left other reminders of their encounter after all. Her bottom lip was a little
swollen, probably from his bites. Her neck and breasts was peppered here and there
with bite marks and hickeys. She had minor bruises on her shoulders from when he
had pinned her down. And, most notably, her pussy was raw, red and sore. A small
price to pay. I feel much better now than I did yesterday. Her body ached, but her
mind rejoiced. She ran some hot bath water, stepped into it, and let herself soak for a
while. For the first time in a long while, she felt experienced true relaxation.

She was getting dressed after her bath when the phone to her room began to ring. She
picked it up.

"Hello Lily, it's Grant from Concierge Services. I'm just calling to make sure that your
stay at our resort thus far has been...satisfactory." She could hear the smile in his voice
as he said “satisfactory”.

"Yes, Grant, everything has been wonderful." Wonderfully painful. But still
wonderful. And I'd love to do it again.

"I'm glad to hear it, Lily. And if you ever need anything again…absolutely
anything…well, you know how to reach me."

"Indeed I do. Listen, it's the middle of the day, so I know you must be very busy. But
when you get couple hours of free time, would you mind coming to my room again?
We have more things to discuss."